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Saturday, June 4, 2016

Cookbook Countdown #6: Celine's Poached fish parcels

 Welcome to Cookbook Countdown
 I'm co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours. If you are like us, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that. Join us at Cookbook Countdown
a toss between Celine and Mary,
Celine won!
 My June cookbook:
Celine J Marbeck's Quick & Easy Cooking
pages 40-41: poached fish parcels
 Very easy to put together! 
simple yet delish!
paired with fattoush
Cookbook Countdown has a new website :
We are happy to inform everyone that Cookbook Countdown has it's very own website blog, which you can find here. Effective from May 2016, please link your posts at the Cookbook Countdown new website, in the linky provided. We hope to see you there! Thank you!


Zosia said...

That looks like my kind of meal! Is the fish wrapped in a cabbage leaf?

Emily said...

Yes, in a blanched piece, two overlapped if the leaves are small.

kitchen flavours said...

I have tried using napa cabbage to wrap meat, but not fish! Looks good!

Emily said...

Joyce, Hubby approved of this fish in cabbage leaf dish!