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Monday, September 19, 2011

TCS September ~ Bakers' own selection! #2 Nutella Swirl Pound Cake

I choose to bake this cake in a square pan instead of a 9"x5" loaf pan (1.15 hrs bake time) so my cake took only 45mins to be ready

Below: cake brown where the nutella sunk to the bottom and one corner!
Do you think it would be a good idea if I had mixed the nutella with some of the batter first?
OMG! it tasted fab!  Forgot to take a picture of a cut slice this morning ;(

Original and Online: Recipe from The Cake Keeper Book by Lauren Chattman

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
4 large eggs, at room temperature 
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 sticks unsalted butter, softened
1 1/4 cups sugar
One 13-ounce jar Nutella

Preheat the oven to 325°. Lightly grease and flour a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan, tapping out any excess flour. In a glass measuring cup, lightly beat the eggs with the vanilla. In a medium bowl, whisk the 1 1/2 cups of flour with the baking powder and salt.

In a large bowl, using a handheld mixer, beat the butter with the sugar at medium-high speed until fluffy, about 3 minutes. With the mixer at medium-low speed, gradually beat in the egg mixture until fully incorporated. Add the flour mixture in 3 batches, beating at low speed between additions until just incorporated. Continue to beat for 30 seconds longer.

Spread one-third of the batter in the prepared pan, then spread half of the Nutella on top. Repeat with another third of the batter and the remaining Nutella. Top with the remaining batter. Lightly swirl the Nutella into the batter with a butter knife. Do not overmix.
Bake the cake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes. Invert the cake onto a wire rack, turn it right side up and let cool completely, about 2 hours. Cut the cake into slices and serve.

 Below: What I ate in Melaka over the weekend,
One Portugese egg tart (the best I tasted so far) and an apple pie (not that great)
with a delicious cup of English Breakfast at Italy Bakery at Melaka Raya, Melaka.


dottology said...

OMG!! I am SO trying this out. I love love LOVE nutella!!!

Emily said...

It is GOOD!

Katie said...

Looks amazing, but anything that uses a whole jar of Nutella has got to taste good!!

Elle said...

Very clever to bake it in a wider pan...it looks delicious Emily!

Please Do Not Feed The Animals. said...

Mmmmm - yum.
And, I'm partial to a Portuguese custard tart too!

Miri said...

eeeee!! nom nom nom o my gosh that looks so.freakin.good. Fantastic work!

Emily said...


Yup, I am so clever! and I am still enjoying a square or two a day! Its rather sweet!

Gonna bake this again, in cupcake form and mix the nutella in a bit of cake batter first!!

Emily said...


ooooo another Portuguese tart lover!

Emily said...

Hi Anabel/OvenDelights,

Do give this a go!

Emily said...


You came for a visit!!

Monica H said...

I still plan on baking this cake too, I just ranout of time. I've wanted to make it though since I bought the book over a year ago!

I've wondered if mixing the Nutella with the batter would help too. If you give it a try I hope you'll us know :-)

Emily said...

Hi Monica,

I might be making nutella cupcakes this weekend and will certainly update on whether mixing nutella with the batter works!

Emily said...

woohoo ladies,

I wonder if those of us who baked nutella cake.. used up the whole jar of nutella? or is it only me who managed to make three batches from one 375gm jar? still with a little balance?