Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Cake Slice Bakers ~ July: Hazelnut Dacquoise

For July we have the following cakes choices to bake from:
Raspberry Angel Cake, Hazelnut Dacquoise, Blueberry Financiers,
and Plum Madeira
I did buy fresh blueberries (and I found my frozen berry stash too); but in the end decided to go with making Hazelnut Dacquoise although meringue and I never got along... still don't get along but better than not making it!  At half the recipe, I got three large disks of about 4" diameter (plus nine pieces of 2" size biscuits... but they were burnt due to too high heat (but good try, must remember the 'real' temperature required instead of 'what I remember reading').  
The vanilla pastry cream was real easy to make (and the chocolate pastry cream? just add cocoa powder and melted chocolate to a portion of the original vanilla pastry cream!) ~ and they are delicious - had me licking the two spoons clean!
I did not reduce the sugars for both the dacquoise and the pastry cream, hence I skipped the dusting of sugar for the garnish but did go ahead with the cocoa powder.  While sifting the hazelnut meal, there were a fair bit of coarse bits left in the sieve, so I added those bits to the disks before baking (hopefully for extra crunch!).   So this morning I just needed to assemble the cake, photo taking and now writing up the post. The cake is in the fridge, it will be our dessert tonight!  And lastly, a humble apology to my fellow TCS Bakers for posting on the last day!
Hazelnut Dacquoise page 121 of:
"World Class Cakes" by Roger Pizey
Please scroll down to see all the beautiful cakes that were baked this month, and don't forget to check out our Facebook Page. Also, if you are interested in joining the #TheCakeSliceBakers, please send an email to Felice at thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com, and she will send you all the information you need! We are a great bunch of bakers, happy to make new friends!

The Cake Slice Badge


  1. Emily I love it!! It looks so good and I can't imagine how you have any cream left for the cake if you went dipping with the spoon! You are a stronger woman then I am!! ;)

  2. Your cake looks gorgeous! Wow, what a treat for a dessert!

  3. You may have saved the best for last. Looks like a delicious and elegant cake.

  4. Such a beautiful cake, like a delicious cloud of hazelnut, chocolate, and cream.
