Thursday, November 19, 2015

French Fridays with Dorie and David, and more!

Continuing the journey through

Dorie Greenspan's

by my lonesome self


 mozzarella, tomato and strawberry salad ~ pages 118-119

and inspired by her 

from David Lebovitz's

My Paris Kitchen


 Butternut squash bread soup
Panade de butternut ~ pgs 162-163
I did not get to the store for the required ingredients
but used stuff I already have:
pumpkin, two types of bread (that needed eating)
two types of cheeses
home made fish broth instead of chicken stock
no white wine
made half the recipe
baked in the smallest of my corningware casserole pan
for 40 minutes (without foil - cos we hardly use it, so we did not have,
but since then, have it! hahahaha)

Currently reading:
Bonjour, Happiness!by Jamie Cat Callan
Click above picture to read about the author and
at her blog HERE
Basically stuff on toast, French style
Jamie Cat Callan's Grandmere Marie's Croissant aux noix

Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!
and do remember to come back and cheer me on!