Friday, January 2, 2015

FFwD ~ Simplest Breton Fish Soup

This soup is just right for us now
as hubby is on a mission to reduce his waistline numbers
he went without the bread while I had two slices!
used stock made with fish bones and asparagus stalks (tough parts)
garnished with asparagus tips
frozen mussels on half shell (which I discarded)
added carrots and chopped asparagus stalks (the tender parts)
 you MUST make the vinaigrette, not as an option!
it made this soup sensational
(which I made with chopped spring onions instead of parsley)
the above was our dinner on New Year's Day 2015
and I made Adriana's Tembleque,
a Puerto Rican Coconut Custard/Pudding
Adriana's recipe is available  H.E.R.E.!
my variation:
is sans the cinnamon stick and powder
(cos I had none of both)
I used one 'peeled coconut' blended
in addition to half cup of thick coconut milk
tapioca flour in place of cornstarch
and one small piece of palm sugar in place of white sugar
hence making the pudding caramel in color not white
at this time, the pudding is chilling in the fridge
but I can tell you that it is delicious
I was licking the ladle clean after filling up the containers!
Hubby loved this
initially - he said he will eat half of this portion
but ended up cleaning the plate
he also asked if I can make this again 
for his friends.....
 Do check out the rest of group's results for this week's recipe at:
(click picture below)
Simplest Breton Fish Soup (page 96)
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!


  1. Your soup looks lovely, Emily! It was a hit in my house too! I can’t wait to give Adriana’s recipe a try! I love anything with coconut!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Good to know that the vinaigrette is key. It sounded too plain on it's own. Happy New Year.

  3. Yes, I agree with your abou the vinaigrette.
    I have heard so many lovely things about Adriana's trembeque - I am going to have to try it!'
    Happy New Year!

  4. Your soup looks wonderful - glad you enjoyed it.

  5. The soup sounds lovely and I'm glad to know that the vinaigrette makes it. I really want to try Andriana's trembeque, too - everyone who has made it raved about it!

  6. There are two of you (Cher and Emily) who have been real cheerleaders about the vinaigrette so I will be sure to make it when I make the soup next week. I am in route to California to spend the winter and will have my choice of fresh and shell fish so I've put this recipe on the back burner this week. I also will try Adriana's trembeque - thanks for the suggestion. Nice post. You did a lovely job with the soup. Happy New Year to you both,

  7. I did make the vinaigrette and I liked it but my husband did not. I did like the soup just not the mussels. Thanks for the post about Adriana's Puerto Rican Coconut Custard. I am going to have to make that. Happy New Year.

  8. that soup looks wonderful and I totally agree about the vinaigrette making the dish great! The tembleque also looks quite yummy!

  9. Your soup looks fabulous, and I agree about the vinaigrette! And the tembleque looks great. I really want to try out Adriana's recipe. Love your ingredient tweaks. Looks delicious!!
