Thursday, December 25, 2014

FFwD ~ Christmas Cards Recipe Exchange

It's my second year for the Christmas Card Exchange
at FFwD, and this year we have to exchange recipes too!
I send out my cards a bit late and no one will have
them by 26 December 2014 
so I made the recipe I sent out:

Hokey Pokey
(makes 15-20 chunks)
5 tablespoons white sugar, 2 tablespoons golden syrup
and 1 teaspoon baking soda
(adapted from All Things Nice
with Jo Seagar)

put the sugar and golden syrup in a saucepan
heat gently, stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved
increase the heat and bring to the boil
boil for 2 minutes,
stir occasionally if necessary to prevent burning
remove from the heat and
add the baking soda
stir quickly until the mixture froths up
which it will do rapidly
pour immediately into a greased tin
leave until cold and hard
then break into pieces
(cover some chunks with melted chocolate!)

easy duck confit
from H.E.R.E. as suggested by a fellow Dorista
 Do check out the rest of group's results for this week's recipe at:
(click picture below)
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Do you recommend any substitutes for the golden syrup?

  2. Hi Adriana, here you go ~
