Sunday, November 23, 2014

TCS ~ First cake from new book...

It is a new bake year for The Cake Slice Bakers
and we are keeping the option of
having four cake choices each month to bake!
An excellent concept - this way we get to
showcase more cakes from each book!

my cake choice:
orange spice pecan cake
this is the second time I made this cake
first cake was burnt
second cake faired slightly better
should just sprinkle the crushed pecans on top of the batter
instead of lining the bottom of the pan..
half the recipe
half the sugar
 page 202 from The Southern Cake Book
 Do visit us at FB to see the results of the group!
Want to join us baking from this book?
go join us at FB (above)!


  1. Emily, second time was the charm. Such a pretty cake! Glad it worked. I'm hoping to figure out the linky tool tomorrow. I can be very slow with new-to-me technology.Hope that it works for you even sooner.

  2. Aww Emily, sorry that you had to bake the cake twice :( But I am really glad it worked out well in the end!

  3. Your cake looks terrific! Happy baking.

  4. Great results Emily! I'm looking forward to next month already!

  5. Beautiful cake I wish I had baked this one instead! : )
