Sunday, June 29, 2014

FFwD ~ Salmon with Basil Tapenade (and guacamole with tomatoes and bell peppers)

Avocado is not my favorite fruit
and if it do not appear here means
its still in the freezer!
(it made an appearance - scroll down)
let me tell you
about this awesome
basil tapenade
which I had to grind up with my pestle and mortar
cos my mini blender conked out on me
its got black pitted olives, anchovy, lemon zest and juice
spiced with cayenne instead of the original french peppers
when used as a sauce,
being asian, I heated up some olive oil
just to get that sizzle when its poured over the
ground up ingredients and ground basil leaves
the tapenade is delish!
I might just go and make the dried tomato version!
grilled (not baked) salmon stuffed with the tapenade
with grilled asparagus and beetroot pasta! 
my fellow Doristas made this way back in July 2012
this morning pull out the mortar and pestle 
 and the results was bearable.... ;)

to check out the rest of group's results for this week's recipe at:

Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!
pictures of places/stuff/things from 
the 3-day-long trip down to Melaka
above: Left ~ the usual and Right ~ something new!

Above:  I have been wondering where this was (from online)
and found it next to the engraving shop we visited!
Above: the oldest mosque in Melaka (Malacca)
above: the new and the old
above: a new Thai food outlet - pretty authentic - give it a try!
Yes Thai Restaurant Sdn Bhd
located at 7 Jalan KL3/10A, Taman Kota Laksamana1 Seksyen 3,
Kota Laksamana Business Centre, 75300 Melaka
 above: love that small upstairs 'garden'
above: I finally managed to get to the millie cake place
Left: mango and Right: original (both of which did not blow me away) :(
 and yes, my feet stopped growing!


  1. Hi Emily,
    Your basil tapenade looks delish! Delicious dish!
    Did you eat any Nyonya food in Malacca?
    Thanks for info on the Thai food, will keep that in mind when i go back to m'cca the next time!

  2. Emily the salmon with the tapenade is an outstanding recipe, we loved it way back when I made this dish and it is wonderful to read that you really enjoyed this recipe as well. Your guacamole looks nice and fresh! And it looks like your vacation was quite wonderful as well.
    Have a nice week!

  3. Your salmon looks good - and the beetroot pasta sounds interesting. Good on you for making the guacamole despite not liking avocado.

  4. Wow, your salmon with the tapenade looks wonderful, as does your guacamole! Kudos to you for making something you don’t like. I always have trouble with that! Nice post! Enjoyed seeing your vacation photos!

  5. I'd forgotten about the salmon recipe...a keeper for sure! And you were a good sport making the guacamole :)

  6. That salmon is to die for and I enjoyed your giving it extra sizzle. We make these recipes and then often forget to return to them. A tip of the toque to you for at least trying the guacamole. That's what this is all about - trying new things. Some we like. Some we don't. And, that's okay.

  7. Sorry the guacamole didn't work out, but the fish with tapenade looks absolutely delicious.

  8. The salmon was really wonderful - you've reminded me to make it again this summer. Good for you for trying the guacamole, even if avocados aren't your thing. And thanks for sharing your holiday photos!

  9. I do remember that salmon. It was very delicious!

  10. I loved that salmon. Thanks for the reminder. I need to make it again!
