Saturday, June 2, 2018

CtBF ~ MPK: Smoky BBQ-style Meat

After prepping the meat with a dry rub of spices and cocoa powder, leaving it to marinate in the fridge overnight.  When you are ready to complete the dish ie. cook it; prepare the sauce ingredients which included a can of beer, harissa, bbq sauce and a couple of other stuff.  
I used my trusty 30plus-years old corningware casserole and on stovetop too!  The dish was ready in three hours!
DL suggests pairing this with mash potatoes, but it was my favorite purple sweet potato that completed my meal on the first day; and the balance with brown bread the next day.
And introducing a favorite once-a-fortnight indulgence - braised chicken feet! BTW, another difficult dish to photograph but the results were way better than the pulled pork over purple sweet potatoes! 
I am so in love with this faux crochet placemat gifted me by a fellow Buy-Nothing-Project participant, it's so lovely! 
The above set up started with that cup that I found on its own, but managed to matched it to a couple of plates as a saucer and side dish.  All three items were of Japanese designs.  The little tea time snack was made by a new found friend through our local branch of the globally popular BNP!
are cooking from
My Paris Kitchen, 
David Lebovitz's latest book.
Smoky bbq pork, recipe from pages190-191
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
Do check out CtBF and see the results of our members
Note: We do not publish recipes at CtBF,
but certain recipe links are available at Amazon,
better still - get the book, and join us at CtBF.


  1. OMG! braised chicken feet. Interesting! Is there any meat on it? Anyway, this recipe for the barbecue pork was so good, so easy and I will try it again for a crowd. I love that placemat, it looks so delicate and hand made, plus those dishes are so pretty.

  2. Both look great, Emily! I always see chicken feet at the grocery store but have never actually tried them. And what a beautiful placemat! I had a friend who did that buy nothing thing for a year and it was neat to see the process!

  3. You always pair your dishes in such an interesting way! Sounds intriguing, I love your dishware :)

  4. We had sweet potatoes too!
    I’ve only had chicken feet once, but they were one of the most memorable dishes I had when in China!

  5. I'm curious about those chicken feet! They look really good, but I am probably the only one in my house who would be willing to try them.
