Tuesday, June 12, 2018

CC#30: Eggs in the nest

Simple breakfast or midnight snack dish to make for your loved ones!
Butter your bread on both sides, make a hole in the center, remember to reserve the cut-disks!
Heat up a large frying pan, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, place the bread and cut-out disks in the pan. Cracking an egg into each cavity (best to use smaller eggs to contain over- flow!). Season with salt and pepper. Flip over to cook the other side when the egg whites next to the bread starts to set. Flip those disks too!
Cook for a minute on flip side. Transfer to plate, and serve with crispy disks bread soldiers!  With buttered bread, both sides, and fried in vegetable oil - crispy tasty eggs in nests!
Eggs in the nest, recipe on pgs 80-81 ~ savory breakfasts
The Baking Book by 
Honey & Co
Or Golden (US edition)
I am sharing this recipe at Cookbook Countdown #30
I am co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.  If you are like, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that.Join us at Cookbook Countdown!

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