Saturday, May 12, 2018

CC#29: Dried Radish Omelet (or Scrambled!)

It's been a while since I bought and cooked with dried Radish. Thought might be good to have some again in my pantry.  Simple dish to serve with rice or porridge.
This is the sixth recipe I made this book, gifted me by a sweet and adorable friend!
Dried Radish Omelet or Scrambled! ~ recipe from pgs 98-99 of The Food of Taiwan 
by Cathy Erway. 
I am sharing this recipe at Cookbook Countdown #29
I am co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.  If you are like, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that.  Join us at Cookbook Countdown! 

1 comment:

  1. It has been years since I last used dried radish in omeletes. Thanks for the reminder, one of my old-time favourite!
