Saturday, February 24, 2018

CC#26: Home made Onigiri

Simple ten grains rice onigiri with dried mushroom floss and nori seaweed strip.

The above ten grains rice onigiri with vegetarian mushroom floss, and nori seaweed sheet was inspired by my latest cookbook,  Simply Onigiri by Sanade Inada. Her onigiri are hand shaped, but I used a plastic triangular rice mold which made it so much easier!
I am co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.  If you are like, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that.  Join us at Cookbook Countdown! 

1 comment:

  1. A mould! Now that's the way to go in shaping these. I tried to make mushroom onigiri once - they're much harder to shape by hand than they seem.
