Thursday, November 2, 2017

CtBF ~ MPK ~ Celery root soup (page 106)

Rather surprised that the celery root I bought a month ago is still good and crunchy, but I did buy another piece of leek to add on to the ones I bought earlier.  Yesterday, I bought a pack of Parma Ham to make the chips.  I also went looking for horseradish (raw state) but none to be found at my fav Mom&Pop place, so got a bottle of horseradish cream for insurance.  Went to another fav shopping place further down the road, and found raw horseradish - so now I have both - tuber and bottle!  Guess which I used in the pictures below...... from the bottle!  I fell asleep last night and only awoke at 2am, so too late to make the soup, so went to bed.  Hence all the cooking was done this morning around 6am, in addition as well, hubby's meals for the day - including breakfast!  So tiring!
Reminder to self:  when you are putting the ham in for a second round of baking... make it three mins and not five!
Considering there were only two main ingredients for the soup, leeks and celery root, and butter! ~ it was pretty tasty. There was also fresh thyme, a bay leaf and enough water for the amount of leeks and celery root used.  Later salt, and white pepper (which I forgot) for tasting.  Garnished with the parma ham chips, chopped chives and horseradish cream... very good.  Hope hubby enjoys it too.
are cooking from My Paris Kitchen,
David Lebovitz's latest book.
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
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  1. Did you put a heart in the center of the soup? From gathering the ingredients to making the soup, a lot of hearts becomes the central ingredient!

  2. This turned out to be good even though there was a lot of work involved cleaning the veggies. I'm going to try some bacon in mine tonight and see how tasty that could be. Great photos.

  3. This one was quite good. I hope that hubby liked it too.

  4. Yours looks so pretty, Emily. I have all the ingredients and will make it tomorrow, tardy, I know. I think I will put bacon, per Nana's suggestion, in half of it. Your soup bowls are beautiful.
