Friday, November 17, 2017

CtBF ~ MPK: Buckwheat polenta (sans the buckwheat n others)

Buckwheat polenta (wanna be!) (158-59):
Well, I have no polenta nor buckwheat, used no sausage nor bitter greens; but my bowl of comfort food at breakfast this morning was still delish!
For one pax:
Three parts water to one part fine semolina (clearing out my freezer! and not wanting to add another bag of something I will use only once, again), grated Parmesan cheese and butter.  Before cooking the 'pudding' or rather porridge, I poached one egg in simmering water with a splash of rice vinegar and salt.  For the topping, I used the balance of this delish salad, cold from the fridge! Top with the poached egg, lots of freshly grated black pepper and Maddon sea salt flakes! 
Served it pronto!
are cooking from My Paris Kitchen,
David Lebovitz's latest book.
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
Do check out CtBF and see the results of our members
Note: We do not publish recipes at CtBF,
but certain recipe links are available at Amazon,
better still - get the book, and join us at CtBF.


  1. You've certainly served up the spirit of the comfort food inline with David's buckwheat polenta recipe.

  2. I love your comment about another bag of something. I do feel that way sometimes, but before I purchased the buckwheat groats I looked up some recipes for future use. One of them included both the green lentils and the groats which I am looking forward making. That said, I have more spices and such that this 86 year old will never finish. As for this recipe, it was good and I enjoyed the polenta very much.

  3. I like how you adapted the idea of this recipe to suit what you had on hand. It seems like you ended up with something similar, and still comforting...

  4. Congratulations on blogging about the first Non-Cook-the-Book-Fridays recipe by David Lebovitz in history. Well done, Emily. Only you could have invented this new category and by using such a delicious dish. I end up with too many bags and bottles of the used-once-only variety. You've inspired me. Why did you add a splash of rice vinegar to your poached egg? Your bowl of "porridge" looks tasty and nutritious.
