Friday, September 29, 2017

IHCC & CC21: Kedgeree with fish and bananas!

I have been wanting to make Kedgeree for a long time, and this simple recipe by Hugh's was so easy and different!  Using un-ripe bananas (sadly the 'green' bunch of bananas) I bought yesterday ripen so quickly.  I used salmon fillets instead of smoked fish and coconut milk instead of whole milk (cos I needed to clear my freezer!).  I added toasted almond flakes for crunch, and garam marsala instead of curry powder (yup, clearing up my pantry).
All done this morning, and the above was my packed brunch!
The basics of this recipe is similar to this of Hugh's kedgeree.  For the banana addition, saute the peeled bananas (cut into disks) in a bit of butter until caramelized, cooled and add the fish slices (stirred into the cooked basmati rice. Garnish with fresh coriander sprigs.
from pages 290-291 of River Cottage Fruit every day! 
River Cottage Fruit every day by Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall
The upcoming IHCC Chef (Starting 10/2/17) is:
The Barefoot Contessa herself, Ina Garten!
We look forward to exploring her tasty recipes.

I am co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.  If you are like, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that.  Join us at Cookbook Countdown! 


  1. I love that you added your own touch to this recipe, and got to clean out your pantry,at the same time. Adding the banana sounds interesting!

  2. I wish I could enjoy really ripe bananas, the green ones don't get the same flavour and taste like the ripe freshly picked from the tree. Kedgeree is a classic dish in Scotland, where I tried it for the first time. Your version also sounds delicious.

  3. I haven't heard of kedgeree but both versions appealed to me. You were clever with your substitutions, they sound delicious!

  4. Haven't try kedgeree. But this dish is enticing with ripe banana and fish.

  5. Have not tried kedgeree before. What an interesting combo, bananas and fish!

  6. This look both delicious and unique and any time I can clean out my pantry a bit is a good thing so in my book it's a winner. ;-)
