Friday, August 18, 2017

CtBF ~ MPK: Buttermilk ice cream with olive oil and fleur de sel

I do have an ice cream maker component to my Kitchenaid stand mixer, but due to space constrains in my freezer (really need to clear out stuff!), and luckily ChezNana used a super duper ingenious method and shared with us (thanks, Ro!) and I improvised further - using my hand held beater - made ice cream without an ice cream maker! 
And why is my flaked sea salt colored you might ask.... I was apprehensive with the olive oil and fleur de sel ~ what if I did not like salt on my ice cream (and boring colors - white on white - right?); I harvested the largest butterfly pea flower and crushed it (with my fingers) with a 1/8 teaspoon of Maldon sea salt flakes and it worked!  Blue sea salt flakes!  Good job, Emily!  So in case I don't like salt on ice cream, I can pick out the salt flakes!  Well, I found that the salt I can accept, but the olive oil... not really....  I had the ice cream with diced cantaloupes, healthy enough.. for breakfast this morning! This ice cream has no eggs, no need for tempering etc.  I used honey in place of corn syrup, and added lemon juice to full cream milk instead of buttermilk.  Still good! 
Below is the smallest flower (not fully bloomed) of the two remaining blooms on the vine.
I also harvested my ginger cos hubby asked me to make a health drink with a few components, more on that later.
Buttermilk ice cream (p. 299) from
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
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  1. Emily - so interesting! I have never heard of those flowers before! And I am with you on the olive oil. This was good with chocolate sauce!

  2. Your ice cream looks good with the colors, very pretty. I will agree, I did not care for the olive oil and salt version, interesting, but not my style.

  3. Now, Emily, let's discuss this blue salt. First, it's ingenious and I congratulate you for that. But, blue salt on ice cream, hmmmmm. I also questioned the salt/olive oil combo so I closed my eyes and put a tiny, tiny bit of Maldon salt on top of my ice cream and passed on the olive oil. The reason I suggested freezing the scoop is that my ice cream tended to melt quickly so I thought I was very witty to go with a colder scoop. I do realize that for ice cream, the real deal, you sometimes need to run hot water over the scoop. I happen to love (as did my father) an ice cream cantaloupe duo. I really had forgotten about that. So, tomorrow that will be my breakfast also.

  4. Ice cream for breakfast: You're starting a new trend! The idea behind your blue salt made me giggle.
