Friday, July 7, 2017

Cook The Book Fridays: MPK ~ Vegetable Soup with (Thai) Basil Purée

I made the (Thai) Basil puree last night leaving me to deal with the vegetable soup this morning.  Since I used canned stuff for both the white beans and peas, I sauted the onions, garlic and carrots in a bit of olive oil till a bit tender.  Added water to the pot plus a vegetable stock cube with two bay leaves and three sprigs of thyme, bring to a boil.  Added the zucchini (and two celery sticks - diced), french beans in 1 inch lengths. Simmer for another ten minutes, added the drained and rinsed beans. Season with salt and black pepper.
Removed the bay leaves and thyme sprigs.  Ladled into serving bowls, sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top, followed by a dollop of thai basil puree!  Enjoyed this bowl for my breakfast this morning.  Hubby is back this afternoon and I am sure this vegetable soup meets his approval. 
 ps:  I skipped the pasta, but did boiled some potatoes but decided it was filling enough without the carbs.
Recipe from page 92 of:
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
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  1. Emily, your soup looks great. I truly enjoyed this which was a surprise to me, and look forward to making ir again using the freshly made pistou.

  2. Believe it or not, me too had the soup for breakfast the next day. Your soup must be so flavorful with all the wonderful veggies.

  3. Breakfast, now there's a thought and I can even see my doing it also. What's the weather like in your part of the world? Hope your husband liked it also.
