I bought some nice red rhubarb for a cake, but did not bake it in the end; found some rhubarb recipes in Hugh's River Cottage Every Day book and decided to make Rhubarb Clafoutis in ramekins cos there is only two of us at home to eat it!
Roasted the rhubarb with a bit of sugar, a cinnamon stick (instead of a vanilla pod), zest and juice of one orange. I used cream instead of full cream milk with one egg, some sugar for the custard and left it baking too long!
not too shabby!
Inspired by Hugh's recipe on page 354-355 of:
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's
River Cottage Every Day
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I saw some rhubarb at Jaya Grocer last week. Was happy at first but the rhubard was not so fresh, so did not buy any! Rhubarb Clafoutis sounds good!