Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Cookbook Countdown #14: Lamb and squash (& puds) curry

A good thing that I added potatoes!  The squash I used melted into the curry!
I cooked rice for hubby's lunch, but packed two ciabatta buns for mine!
 the chutney I used was fruity hence the curry was a wee sweet.

 otherwise, a quick and simple lamb curry!
two spices, curry powder, bay leaves and water
in addition to lamb shoulder, squash and potatoes.
This is my third dish from (my chosen book):
pages 224-225 from:
Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall's River Cottage Every Day
headed by the lovely leader
is back! 
We are attempting to cook from both River Cottage Every Day (RCED) for all,
and River Cottage Love Your Leftovers (RCLYL) - optional!
I will do a round up of the dishes I make from Hugh's book on the 28th
of each month, but since I cannot wait that long, I am posting them as I make them!

Currently reading 'What would Mary Berry do? by Claire Sandy
and I sharing this recipe with
I'm co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours. If you are like us, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that. Join us at Cookbook Countdown
Cookbook Countdown has a new website :

We are happy to inform everyone that Cookbook Countdown has it's very own website blog, which you can find here. Effective from May 2016, please link your posts at the Cookbook Countdown new website, in the linky provided. We hope to see you there! Thank you!


  1. Lovely dish you picked! Rice or ciabatta, I would love to have either one with the curry!

  2. Interesting about the squash melting into the rest of it, it would, I do know that, but I would not have thought of that beforehand. Tips like that are such a help!

    1. Kayte, I do think butternut squash would have fared better than the pumpkin I used though, if added later and not as early as required in the recipe.

  3. You had me at CURRY!! My favorite dish ever. Like the idea of lamb and squash. I bet the squash made it nice and thick. Lovely!
