Saturday, December 17, 2016

CtBF ~ Onion Tart aka Pissaladiere

After hunting down my last couple sachets of instant dry yeast,
horrors - they expired - way back in 2014!
That's how long ago I bought instant yeast.
and while out getting my fresh supply of yeast
I came across these interesting finds:
Pakistan chillies
Tokma seeds
Basil seeds
and they all came home with me!
From pages 68, 69 n 70 of My Paris Kitchen
by David Lebovitz
above: ingredients for the filling
above: making the dough was quick and easy (by hand!),
now what was I afraid of in the first instance?
Left pan: dough is spread too thin,
Right pan - the thickness just right!
Above: hubby's ie without anchovies.  The thickness of
the tart base is just perfect and golden with a 25 mins bake time
Above: with anchovies
note to self: do not stretch to the maximum pan size,
leave it 1 inch all round smaller than pan will be great
 above: hubby's quick dinner with grated carrot salad,
mixed with roma tomato slices and coriander sprigs

perfect snack with Vietnamese coffee!
with anchovies!
are cooking from My Paris Kitchen,
David Lebovitz's latest book.
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
Do check out CtBF and see the results of our members
Note: We do not publish recipes at CtBF,
but certain recipe links are available at Amazon,
better still - get the book, and join us at CtBF.


  1. Wow, Emily, everything looks great. This was delicious and totally surprised me.

  2. I would like the version with no anchovies as well, as I love onions! These are good!
    Looking forward to your usage of your new purchases!

  3. Both versions look great! I'm curious to see what you do with your grocery shopping finds, too.
