Thursday, August 18, 2016

CtBF ~ Cherry tomato crostini with homemade herbed goat cheese

are cooking from My Paris Kitchen,
David Lebovitz's latest book.
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
Cherry (grape) tomato crostini with homemade herbed goat cheese - pg 110
Unable to find goat milk yoghurt from my usual shopping places,
so bought a 300ml bottle of goat milk, boiled it, add lime juice
let it cooled, left it to strain overnight in the fridge.
from 300ml milk - I got about 25gm of cheese!
I used sage, sweet basil and thyme from my container garden,
in addition to minced garlic, chopped shallots.
seasoned with salt and cayenne and rested it in the fridge 
for a whole day.
  first time ever tasted goat's cheese (if this is indeed cheese)
[Last year I did buy a roll of imported herb goat cheese, but it got spoiled
languishing in the fridge!]
So I played it safe and dished out the precious amount of cheese
on one slice of toasted baguette (from Swiss Moments bakery - My fav!)
topped it with the roasted tomatoes and served the second slice without!
It was rather nice! surprise!
I hope hubby enjoys this for his snack today!
My reading materials in August
(1) I got stuck with the second book of the author of A Man Called Ove fame - 
'My Grandmother Sends Her Regards, and Apologises'.  Ove was a better read!
(2) I finished 'An Amish Kitchen' over two nights.
Easy reading indeed and with recipes too!
(3) Classic Asian Noodles (4) Chinese recipes and home remedies
~ cooking from them in August 2016!
(5) Looking at gorgeous cakes from all over the world!

and Oh!  I won the above cookbook just by filling up a form!
The French Market Cookbook by Clotilde Dusoulier
Do check out CtBF and see the results of our members
Note: We do not publish recipes at CtBF,
but certain recipe links are available at Amazon,
better still - get the book, and join us at CtBF.


  1. I need to try this trick with the milk. The yoghurt I used most certainly did not turn into "cheese" !

  2. I've made goat cheese from milk before, but I didn't realize you could just use lime juice to do it! That's so cool. As is your winning a copy of the French Market Cookbook. I'll be having my crostini tomorrow. I've got the yogurt straining in the fridge and the tomatoes roasting in the oven (now that it's cooled down for the evening. Tomorrow morning, I'll finish the cheese and in the afternoon, make the crostini. Until then, I'll enjoy all the photos the rest of you post. Yours looks so good!

  3. You definitely get a gold star this week for making your goat cheese from scratch. Well done.

  4. What a great idea! I have made ricotta from scratch and didn't think to do so since I *could* get the goat's milk but not yogurt. Nice job!

  5. You went all out reducing and coagulating milk into cheese. Good job with the roasted tomatoes too!

  6. What an excellent job you did, making your own cheese. great idea.
    This was really a nice recipe that we enjoyed, so tasty.

  7. Goats' milk is not easy to find too! Great job on the cheese! We love the crostini and the herbed cheese even better! Yum!

  8. Being 'pretty pleased with yourself' works for me and I'm pretty pleased with you also. Your conversion from goat milk to goat cheese was ingenious. I liked everything about this week's recipes choices. Always enjoy reading about the books you suggest (or, not.) Glad you regained your #1 status as the first CtBF blogger to check in on LYL every week.

  9. I almost bought goat milk to make my own yogurt, but I didn't know how I was going to "make" it so I decided against it. If only I'd known how easy it was!! Also, I'll keep that in mind re the second book by the Ove author. By the way, your crostini look gorgeous!

  10. I am totally impressed by your cheese. I bought some soft goat cheese and added the fresh herbs. Loved it, and the dish. Yours looks wonderful.

    Great book information. I have Ove on my list. I read through the Plainsong series and loved it. I'll have to remember about the Amish book - in my book club we have been on a roll for books with recipes!!


  11. Thanks so much for the tip on making goat cheese, I had a friend who loved the recipe and wanted to make her own- I will send the tip when I send her the recipe. It was a nice quick appetizer wasn't it. I still have Ove on my list, taking a long time to get here. Good for you to win a book- I am jealous

  12. Emily, I love that you made the cheese from milk. I always thought you needed a yogurt culture to make yogurt. It certainly sounds good. I have that cookbook and love it. I have followed Clotilde Dusoulier for a long time. Your crostini looks great.
