Sunday, April 3, 2016

Cookbook Countdown #4 ~ Honey & Co's Prawns in orange, tomato and cardamom

Welcome to Cookbook Countdown! 
 I'm co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours. If you are like us, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that. Join us at Cookbook Countdown
Light Dinners:
Prawns in orange, tomato and cardamom ~ page 150-151
next time I will use cili padi instead of just red cili
this orange, tomato with cardamom sauce
should work well with squid and clams
Honey & Co's Prawns in orange, tomato and cardamom
and if I use prawns again, I will do away with all the shells!
The dish is good to be served immediately
with bread to mop up the sauce.
One of the chefs wrote at the end of the recipe:
"alternatively munch all the prawns by yourself in the kitchen,
mop the pan with bread and use it to prepare an
omelette for your dining partner.
Make sure you don't have sauce on your lips 
when you leave the kitchen and say
the prawns are ruined and that you're not hungry"
Well, I need not do that for my dining partner...
hubby hardly eat anything else apart from salmon
so salmon it was instead of prawns!
Do remember to add the following to your post if you are cooking/baking along with us:


  1. Hi Emily,
    What a great idea using salmon! Sauce on the lips and say you are not hungry, made me giggle!

  2. HI, Emily. I tried to post my last cookbook countdown #4 but the link is already closed. It's still April here in the US. Can you add it please?
    I would appreciate it.
