Thursday, January 7, 2016

FFwD ~ January 2016 Catching Up!

Continuing the journey through
Dorie Greenspan's

by my lonesome self

celery root puree, go with everything ~ pg 354
hubby's dinner
celery root puree with crispy skin salmon
blanched broccoli, purple cabbage,
julienned carrots and celery stalks
(I had left over puree to which I added vegetable broth,
ended up as soup for my dinner)

 above: Top Secret Chocolate Mousse (pg 421)
for one with 1 oz dark chocolate and 1 egg!
served slightly chilled (as I made it this morning)
topped with a tiny swirl of Neapolitan ice cream
and English toffee bits!

I have 80+ recipes more to catch up with!
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!
and do remember to come back and cheer me on!


  1. Hi Emily,
    Everything looks great! and the dessert looks yummy!

  2. I found that celery root at Hock Choong's. That dessert was super easy to make! and delish to boot (and with only 1/4 TEASPOON sugar!).
