Thursday, October 29, 2015

Cooking from Rachel Khoo's cookbooks ~ Oct 2015

from Rachel Khoo's website
without the bacon, and chopped chives. 
I used chopped spring onions from my container garden
these were super good, and vegetarian!
a keeper recipe for stuff on toast!
and so happy I finally get around to making these
a 'joie de vivre' moment!
 how about some 'kei chee' for a pop of color!
(piping skills totally absent)
ps: forget about double layers of biscuit - impossible to eat decently
in company of others!
my collection of  Rachel Khoo's cookbooks:
Rachel Khoo's
The Little Paris Kitchen
My Little French Kitchen
RK's Kitchen Notebook

and the latest additions to my collection:
Rachel Khoo's 'sweet & savory pates'
and Rachel Khoo's 'muesli & granola'

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