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Thursday, April 23, 2015

TCS ~ Coconut Cheesecake Squares

Initially I choose another cake
but decided instead on baking this!
quick and easy!
and delish!
  I might regret making half the recipe!
 great with a cup of English Breakfast
for my breakfast this morning!
apologies to my fellow TCS bakers for being late posting!
 p140 from The Southern Cake Book
 Do visit us at FB to see the results of the group!

FFwD ~ Sardine Escabeche and more..

This week's FFwD recipe is the last of the fish
dishes from the book the rest of the Doristas
had to contend with
I used only three sardine fish
so all ingredients scaled down accordingly
the above was the second tasting (last) after two days
in the fridge 
smeared with unsalted butter and hot mustard,
dinner for one!

finally caught up with the mangoes and lychees
but with chicken breasts and cherry tomatoes
served with couscous with raisins
last week's FFwD offering:
served with Kelantan red rice and homegrown ladies fingers
for hubby's dinner
 Do check out the rest of group's results for this week's recipe at:
(click picture below)
Sardine Escabeche (p188)
Pork roast (chicken breast) with mangoes and lychees (p278)
Coconut-lemongrass braised pork 
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Jamie Oliver's Basic risotto

 Working hard to clear out the freezer,
fridge, and pantry
have this bag of risotto rice in the freezer (yes!)
for some time now
and using JO's basic recipe
(page 120-121 of 
Cook with Jamie
My Guide to
Making You a
Better Cook)
(page 119 gives you a tip to making the risotto ahead!)
 it was the base for my prawns and peas risotto
 JO gave a total of eight (8) ways to use his
basic risotto recipe to enjoy risotto
with almost anything you fancy!

Rachel Khoo's My Kitchen Notebook

This dinner was two weekends ago
one when I had salmon twice
hence I served the steamed buns
with Rachel's duck ragu
(Teriyaki salmon) steamed buns - Pgs 146-147
Duck ragu (with crisp porridge wedges) pgs 118-119
of Rachel Khoo's My Kitchen Notebook
extremely happy with the steamed buns 
the last time I made 'steamed baus' was a lifetime ago!
all they need was a short stint in the toaster oven
and they were good to go the next day!
my collection of  Rachel Khoo's cookbooks:
Rachel Khoo's
The Little Paris Kitchen
My Little French Kitchen
RK's Kitchen Notebook

and the latest additions to my collection:
Rachel Khoo's 'sweet & savory pates'
and Rachel Khoo's 'muesli & granola'

Sunday, April 19, 2015

FGF (Food Glorious Food): Green bananas and bacon fritters

 These were the two species of 'cooking bananas'
I found at the local market on Sunday
I made the fritters using the small ones on the left 
Rather nice and I enjoyed the bacon bits
I did not find the shredded bananas
they probably 'melted' into the batter
which was delish after frying!
check out Charlene's blog
for the recipe!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

FFwD ~ Curry or Roasted...

I was ambitious....
got the mangoes and the lychees;
the lemongrass and spices,
but the butcher had no pot roast meat
but he did have meat from the butt!
hence here is butt meat
served with Kelantan red rice
and blanched ladies fingers
the mangoes and lychees might just happen 
sometime this month!
Hopping on board with her to feature the sorry state
of my copy of AMFT
well, I did dropped it numerous times
cos its heavy!
 when I have no urgent need of this
I found it
TIP: always peel these before boiling!
and the few that sprouted? potted!
the rest? frozen!
 Do check out the rest of group's results for this week's recipe at:
(click picture below)
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Rachel Khoo's Kitchen Notebook ~ Mushroom stroganoff

I came across portobello mushrooms at GE Mall
and grabbed a couple medium size ones
and was pleasantly surprised that the cost
was not exorbitant so happy dance
I also used Kelantan Red Rice instead of wild rice
and greens from my container garden
instead of baby spinach
my homemade crunchy pickled cucumbers
instead of store bought cornichons
and I particularly liked 'the whisking the sauce for 15 mins' part
the sauce was worth that hard work!
here is my take on Rachel Khoo's
Mushroom stroganoff with spinach and wild rice
pages 124 and 125
of Rachel Khoo's Kitchen Notebook
you may use beef or chicken in place of mushrooms
my collection of  Rachel Khoo's cookbooks:
Rachel Khoo's
The Little Paris Kitchen
My Little French Kitchen
RK's Kitchen Notebook

and these two arrived last Friday! 
Rachel Khoo's 'sweet & savory pates'
and Rachel Khoo's 'muesli & granola'

Saturday, April 11, 2015

FFwD ~ Salmon tartare and more

After making a totally different raw salmon dish
here is this week's salmon tartare
which is a salad with vibrant colors
served layered on a plate or in glasses
(the word 'layered' had me checking the recipe and
a face-palm moment')
no lemon in this recipe but lime zest, juice, and flesh!
and this was the other salmon, smoked that is
salmon tartine norvegienne
on toasted bread, topped with capers
with a big squeeze of lemon
paired with crunchy ginger-pickled cucumbers
(like this better than the salad!)
I have been craving for soup lately
paris mushroom soup
the raw mushrooms garnishes were okay after
letting them 'cook' a bit in the hot soup
salmon tartare - pgs 180-181
paris mushroom soup - pg 72-73
crunchy ginger-pickled cucumbers - pg 340
salmon tartine norvegienne - pg 43
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!
Do go buy this cookbook and join us soon for
cooking and baking on FFwD!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

From Rachel Khoo's cookbooks

Scallop sabayon - pages 168-169 of
Rachel Khoo's The Little Paris Kitchen
the sabayon part was interesting
but I should have stop at 'thick and foamy' part
but instead went an extra minute
nevertheless the sabayon was still velvety and light
I had mozzarella and rocket to use up
so I made two instead of three ways of this London loaf!
just because the broiler part of my table top oven
stopped working about three months after I bought it...
 London loaf three (two) ways
pages 62-63 ~ Rachel Khoo's Kitchen Notebook
plain flat bread to go with 
hubby's request of Trinidad Chicken
(this time using milk in place of coconut )
my collection of  Rachel Khoo's cookbooks:
Rachel Khoo's
The Little Paris Kitchen
My Little French Kitchen
RK's Kitchen Notebook