Saturday, March 7, 2015

FFwD ~ non-cabbage post!

Nope, no cabbage no foie gras over here this week
cauliflower gratin!
 instead of boiling the cauliflower
I choose to add them to the bacon 
and stir fry them abit
before adding the rest of the gratin ingredients
I am looking forward to lunch tomorrow with the leftovers
tonight's dinner was 
chops with herb butter
and simple green salad
Do check out the rest of group's results for this week's recipe at:
(click picture below)
cauliflower-bacon gratin - pgs 362-363
veal (pork) chops with rosemary butter - pgs 268-269
Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!


  1. Great idea. I have always liked cauliflower and used it raw, in salads, but now that cauliflower has become "sexy", so to speak, there are all kinds of recipes for me to use. I actually made this recipe for Christmas day dinner several years ago. Did you see a picture of NYT's writer Melissa Clark's Cauliflower Parmigiano that I made and posted on FB in early February. Will send recipe if you wish. Fantastic. Even mine came out delicious with the first try. Thanks for your nice comments on my site. Haven't read the two books you talked about. On my every-growing list but will try for Books-on-Tape for my drive back to Colorado at the end of the month.

  2. Cauliflower gratin is a wonderful recipe, we enjoyed it a lot when we first made it. Yours looks great with those chops, perfect combination.

  3. I loved the cauliflower gratin when I made it. I keep meaning to make it again, with broccoli. I also made the cauliflower Parmesan that Mary mentions. It is delicious!

  4. I have bacon in the house and you have given me an idea for using it. This sounds like a wonderful meal. Have a great week.

  5. That looks beautiful and really, really yummy. Hey, forget lunch! That gratin sounds like it'd be great with eggs for breakfast! :)
