Saturday, March 22, 2014

TCS Bakers ~ Kahlua Infused Expresso Cake with Nutella topping

Oops a couple of days late!
Using icing sugar and room temperature butter ~
I whipped this up all by hand!
The batter smelled awesome chocolatety 
and the coffee aroma - OMG
making the full recipe
gave me all these mini cakes
I made the full recipe for the Hot Kahlua syrup
but only used a third of it
so the balance is all bottled up and into the fridge it went
above:  the largest and the smallest next to the one and only
expresso cup and saucer set left of my Noritake Bone China
dinnerset - the burglars took almost the entire set of 12 settings from our condo!
(I have a complete set for one person in my city home)
I wailed when I took them out for picture taking!
DH had the smallest cake and he did not complain!
I did reduce the sugar for the cake batter by half
and used Nutella for the glaze instead of the chocolate ganache
as suggested by Carole Walter
and it was pretty good too!
(a big tablespoon of Nutella, a splash of milk and a splash of hot water,
stir to combine)

this is our 5th recipe from
Carole Walter's
Great Cakes, over 250 recipes to Bake, Share and Enjoy!

"Now for some exciting news! As this was our second last cake from our current cake book, we are now opening up group to fellow cake baking enthusiasts who wish to bake with us for the upcoming year. Places are limited and you will need to buy a copy of the new cake book to participate, so dedicated bakers only please.

Anyone wishing to join us can email the co-organiser at ([AT] along with their name, blog name, blog URL and email address for details. Please put ‘New Cake Slice Member’ in the subject box."
Do visit us at FB to see the results of the group!


  1. They look great, the nutella sounds like a delicious addition!

  2. Your Noritake is gorgeous and your Nutella topping is genius, Emily!

  3. I love how you always make so many different mini-versions of our cakes! Nutella sounds yummy (and easier) :D Great job!

  4. Oh Emily, I still feel for you in loosing your belongings in that break-in. I have experience with this too and it is such a horrible feeling and terrible loss. Your cakes look fantastic and what a great idea to use Nutella as a topping. I'm going to have to try that next time.

  5. Yummo - looks delicious Emily.

  6. I always enjoy seeing what you post, Emily, because you always do something different! Love it!
