Thursday, March 20, 2014

FFwD ~ Scallop and Onion Tartes Fines

This week's recipe uses puff pastry that needs
to be sandwich between two baking pans
of which I had none ie two of the same size
hence the configuration below!
after 15 mins I lifted the top apparatus off 
giving me a sorry sight! pale limp pastry
so back into the oven for another 5 mins
the onion bacon relish is delicious! I did add a tiny bit of chopped red chili
(leftover from another dish)
under the grill for 5 mins
below: nothing like a dash or two of Lingam's Hot Cili Sauce
do check out the rest of group's results at:
page 168

Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!


  1. Oh LOVE the idea of the chili sauce added. A little heat always helps :) And I chuckled at your adventures with the pans. I also was juggling in my own kitchen. At first I thought I was so clever because I had one pan that matched but was a bit smaller than the first. I thought that was perfect until the pastry came out from under the sides :) I added a bigger pan and put them back in the oven. These were a hit in my house. Another happy French Friday with my taste testers.....

  2. Ah, the things we do in our kitchens when we don't have the right equipment. I'd say that your solution worked perfectly.

  3. I love the idea of adding heat...what a nice punch of flavor!

  4. Love the addition of the chili sauce…I’m sure it was yummy!

  5. Chili sauce! Yum! Nice touch, Emily! Looks great.

  6. Chili! Yes. I used extra black pepper for more heat to offset the sweetness of the onions 'cause I knew it needed something extra. There won't be a next time but I would use chills or chili oil to the same effect if I were to do these again.

  7. I like your addition of the chili - this dish needed a little something more. Nice job!

  8. Chili sauce! Yes, yes and yes! I think your addition is overwhelmingly Dorista approved!

  9. I didn't get around to making this this week, but yours looks delicious, and adding chile... great idea!!

  10. I wish I had thought of adding a little chili sauce or peppers to the onion mixture! To make you feel better, it is better to have pale pastries than burnt ones. I rolled one of my puff pastry rounds a little too thinly.

  11. A little chilli sauce makes anything great. Your tarts look wonderful
    and so delicious.

  12. I like the dash of chilli sauce - good thinking.

  13. Emily, the added chili sauce sounds like a nice and spicy addition to this recipe - I find all the different ideas for recipe changes from the Doristas quite interesting this week! And your tartes fines look just wonderful!
    Have a great Sunday!

  14. I agree about how delicious the bacon-onion topping was!

  15. That's what was missing, Emily, hot sauce. I could have thrown a little Sriracha on mine to pump of the flavor. I did try various topping but still was not crazy about this. Your puff pastry looks a heck of a lot prettier than mine. Kudos to you for at least trying this recipe.

  16. These were pretty good. Hot sauce is a good idea.

  17. Great tip with the hot sauce!
