Friday, March 14, 2014

FFwD ~ Sausage stuffed (Cornish) Hens

For this week's recipe
(after an easy-peachy duo of last Friday's)
roasted bird, stuffed with veal sausage with sauce from the remnants of the skillet!

the bird roasted beautiful in the 8" cast iron skillet!
this is not the Cornish Hen called for in the recipe
cos Cornish Hens just aren't common in Malaysia
I bought the smallest chicken available at my usual stall at the wet market
in fact a rarity
served with Bill Granger's Pumpkin and Arugula Salad  H E R E!!

do check out the rest of group's results at:
 Sausage-stuffed Cornish Hens (p226)

Thanks for dropping by for a visit and leaving me a comment!


  1. Love the crispy skin on your chicken, and the salad sounds devine.

  2. Hi Emily,
    Sausage stuffed roasted chicken sounds delish! Yum, yum!

  3. The salad sounds delicious.
    I couldn't find Cornish hens here either :-(

  4. Your meal looks lovely! I wish I had made the sauce!

  5. Oh, that pumpkin and arugala salad look delicious and a picture perfect side to your not-a-Cornish-Hen. You are a very good sport to adapt to our recipes every week, doing a darn good job. Way to go, Emily.

  6. Your meal looks delicious. The salad...yum! Funny all of the challenges with the birds this week, I think it's part of what makes this group fun though. Yours turned out wonderful. I didn't make the sauce, but that looks delicious too!

  7. Your chicken looks wonderful, as does the salad! A perfect paring! I can’t wait to try the Pumpkin and Arugula Salad…Sounds delicious! Have a great weekend, Emily!

  8. Your meal looks delicious. It's always interesting to hear which ingredients are or are not available in different corners of the world. These were easy for me to find here in Germany, but I'm sure that you have many specialties in your corner of the world which would be impossible for me to find here. I was just at the produce market this morning wishing that summer would come so that we could start getting some fresh fruit. For now we have to rely on imported fruit, which is not very good.

  9. The color of your chicken looks perfect, and I love the salad. I must
    try that, it looks so good.

  10. I agree with all that the salad sounds as divine as this poultry recipe - what a great pairing and amazing meal you treated your family to ! And I love the perfect coloring you got on that bird. Next time I will aim for a bit more browning and definitely make the sauce. Yum.

  11. Looks like a great meal, Emily. It's fun to see what kinds of birds are available around the world!

  12. I couldn't find Cornish Hens either! and I chose the smallest chicken from my chicken lady at the market!! But it was good, very good! Your dish looks lovely

  13. Your bird looks fantastic!
