Sunday, November 3, 2013

CLAS: Bill Granger - Nov to Dec 2013 #1

I noticed the gurls were blogging on their latest selection
of Cook Like A Star
over the weekend and I found this recipe H E R E !!
I remember having some blackberries in the freezer but
it was only just enough for two portions
hence the garnish was frozen blueberries reheated in
some maple syrup and water
I will try the vanilla ice cream recipe soon, 
only made the jelly cos it was spur of the moment
while surfing the net after dinner
it was delightful!

This is for Cook Like A Star hosted by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, Baby Sumo of Eat Your Heart Out and Mich of Piece of Cake. 

For the final two months of the year, Cook Like A Star will be cooking with Australian chef Bill Granger - a self taught chef and food writer who owns several restaurants around the world. If you don't already have his books, you can find Bill's recipes all over the web including here andhere. 


  1. i would love to have this after dinner too !

  2. Hi Emily,

    This dessert looks very easy to make and very yummy to enjoy... Very Bill Granger! :D


  3. Hi Emily,
    This dessert is yummy!
    May I know what is thickened cream?
    Can I use whipping Cream (35% fat) ?

  4. What a lovely delicious dessert!
