Friday, August 16, 2013

Pizza with homemade mushroom antipasto and etc

Inspired by Nigella:
using flour tortillas
Mushroom antipasto:
~ into a small pot ~
handful of mushrooms 
washed, dried, stems trimmed and sliced
dash of olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper, 
dash of red wine vinegar - stir to ensure mushrooms are covered with mixture
marinate for an half hour
add a splash of water, bring to boil for a couple or more mins,
turn off heat, drained the mushroom and leave to cool

heat up tomato puree till thick for base of pizza filling

a) hawaii delight ~ chopped up canned pineapple and quartered cherry tomatoes
b) mushroom antipesto with capers

on top of parchment paper:
i) spread tomato puree on one flour tortilla
ii) grate cheese on it
iii) layer your choice of filling
iv) more grated cheese
v) toast for 15mins in toaster oven!
sliced into quarters while hot

these went off with DH for his visit with granddaughter today
hope they like the pizzas


  1. Hi Emily,
    My kids was just asking me to make pizza! haha!
    Your pizza looks scrumptious! Using tortillas is a wonderful idea! The grandchildren must be all smiles with the pizza, I know I would!

  2. Em , your two pizza look wonderful ! Using tortillas sounds like a good idea and so easy to make as well :)

  3. i'm sure your family will like this pizza..who doesnt? l can only see here :(

  4. waa... great idea using tortillas. I must try ASAP as I LOVE tortillas & pizzas ! ;)
