Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jamie Oliver's A Cracking Burger ~ Ministry of Food

This is my 5th posting at
at midnight I was starving and finally got off my fat behind to make
something of the ground lamb I had defrosted earlier!
Within half an hour I tucked into this ~ JO's Cracking Burger recipe HERE!

ingredients (at half this recipe):
12 cream or plain crackers, such as Jacob's (I used the balance of my unsweeten cornflakes, crushed)
8 sprigs of fresh Italian parsley (I used flat leave parsley)
2 heaped teaspoons Dijon mustard (plus a dash of ground oregano)
1 pound good-quality ground beef (I used ground lamb)
1 small onion finely diced
1 large egg, preferably free-range or organic
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Olive oil (plus a dap of butter) for frying

1 romaine or butterhead lettuce
3 tomatoes
1 red onion (omitted)
3 or 4 pickles (had none)
6 burger buns  (I used two slices of store bought white bread cos I didn't to use DH's precious bread!)
Optional: 6 slices of Cheddar cheese (yiks how did I forget to add cheese!)

Put first seven ingredients together in a bowl, mix well with your clean hands and pat into three rectangular flattish patties (for quicker cooking!).  Fry in heated pan with olive oil and a dap of butter.  Serve up with two slices of toasted, buttered and mustard-ed white bread topped with lettuce and sliced tomatoe!

Go on, make this ~ its darn easy to put together!


  1. Hi Emily, this looks really delicious! Another great JO recipe... -

  2. Hi Emily,
    I almost made this last week! Haha, looks delicious! All JO's recipes are! :)

  3. 30 min to cook this delicious burger! Emily, I think you are becoming like Jamie Oliver... with lots of his fast action cooking! :D

  4. Looks delicious even without the cheese, you really are a fan of JO!

  5. I made this burger before... it's really nice. The crackers give it some nice texture.
