Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wholegrain Loaves!

Loaf on the left is one portion and the other three loaves at double of the ingredients required. 
only that I could not find any spelt flakes so I used quinoa flakes instead.
DH loves this bread!


  1. Lovely loaves of bread! I have seen it over at Lena's. I have not tried using quiona flakes in bread-making before, a great idea! Will look into that! I'm into bread-making craze lately too, ever since I got my new book! :)
    (Yup, another book!) hehehe!

  2. hi emily, it's not easy to get spelt flakes here as well,i dont see the shop selling anymore and i've not seen quinoa flakes either. Saw your comment on my blog, glad that your DH likes it and thanks for linking back! Happy baking!

  3. Joyce: I started baking bread for DH but now everyone wants a loaf!

    Lena: DH says 'that same bread please!'
