Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Donna Hay

Chicken and pumpkin stir-fry
from Donna Hay's Simple Essentials ~ Chicken
served with moulded rice with 1-egg-omelette filled with carrots/chives/ginger

2 tbsp peanut oil (I used olive oil)
2 onions, sliced
2 small red cilies (I used one large)
1/2 tsp cracked black pepper (I used ground black pepper)
4 x 200g (7oz) chicken breast fillets, sliced (I used one whole chicken thigh, skinned and boned)
600g (1 lb 5 oz) pumpkin, peeled and thinly sliced (I used 4 wedges of peeled pumpkin)
3 tbsp fish sauce
1/4 cup small basil leaves (Didn't find any on Sunday at the wet market - so used coliander)

Heat the oil in a preheated large non-stick frying pan or work over medium-high heat.  Add the onions, chillies and pepper and cook for 1 minute.  Add the chicken and cook for 3 minutes or until browned.  Add the pumpkin, and fish sauce, cover and cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin is just soft.  Stir through the basil.  Serves 4


  1. Lovely pumpkin dish, I love pumpkins! And your moulded rice is it the shape of a love? Cool! A delicious plate of satisfying meal, I love chives and eggs too! :)

  2. Hi Emily, glad to know you via Cook like a Star! Pumpkin is something that my family will eat every week! Exciting to be your 22th follower!

  3. I love Donna Hay for the fact that she does lots of Asian-fusion cooking.

    Your stir fry looks very delicious. The pumpkin season is arriving soon in Australia and will cook more pumpkin soon :D

  4. I've always been looking for pumpkin recipe & happy to find one here via Cook Like A Star. This stir fry looks absolutely delicious! Will certainly try this recipe since we still have pumpkin over here. Glad to know your blog & be your follower too! Well, I like to makan2! Have a nice day! :)

  5. like joyce, i love pumpkins too, be it in a chinese or western cooking. sounds like a delicious meal, nice dish!!

  6. This is a great dish. Pumpkin is a terrific ingredient.
