Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pumpkin Bread Pudding ~ Part 2

 and here's how to do...
 whisk 3 egg yolks, 1 cup pumpkin puree, 1.5tbsp maple syrup and 1 tbsp brown sugar
(* could do without the brown sugar if you prefer!)
 all together
heat 200ml coconut milk and 200ml cooking cream till a simmer
pour into pumpkin and egg mixture, whisking vigorously (to avoid eggs curdling!)
I choose to bake my pudding in ramekins..
let it stand for 15mins for the cubed pumpkin bread to absorb the batter
recipe for the pumpkin bread, see my Part #1 ~ HERE!
baked in 325 deg.f. oven in water bath for 45 mins or till sides are gold and centres jiggly
I served up mine here (cold) with chopped mango and kiwi without any sauce (less calories)
but the 1st one hot from the oven last night ~ both equally good!


  1. Hi Gloria!

    Thanks for the visit!

  2. I really like the idea of individual bread puddings :-)


  3. Alessandra!

    Thanks for dropping by! Yup individual anything is okay by me! less messy!
