Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Great Book of Chocolate by David Lebovitz, TheBookDepository and Me!

Just arrived in the mail.... one more to go!
 The folks at TheBookDepository really keep track of what I order... too many cookbooks!  They enclosed with this delivery.... a kind reminder.. A clothes size converter bookmark!

 Love this breakfast menu and the patterns of the chinaware!


  1. You like one? They sent me three by now!

  2. wow... you're on a book roll too! You'll have to reveal all about David Lebovitz as i've heard his books are very good. ha ha ha love the book marks! Some of my favourite authors include Kylie Kwong, Luke Nguyen, Fuschia Dunlop & Tessa Kirros. Enjoy your new books they look great!

  3. Hi LM2010!

    Tried out one recipe todate... cost of book justified! LOL!
