Saturday, March 19, 2011

Still Footless #6

Take #4 and #5 were disasters!

Still working with David Lebovitz's Chocolate Macaron, the French way.
No aged whites, no waiting 30mins or more. 
Whipped them whites up, mix the almond and icing sugar, pipe them and stick them in the oven!
After cooling down, they came off the parchment paper without any problems; very clean in fact!

All packed up for my 2 DDs tomorrow!
Take #7 will be french macarons the Italian way!


  1. i don't like the taste of the storebought one......if that's what it's supposed to taste like, then i'm not missing out on anything lar

  2. the chocolate piece was nice! the other flavors were abit artificial...

  3. Hey Emily, I reckon your attempt still looks better than the ones I made in this post

    I had to giggle because this is how I started out. I nearly gave up and threw in the towel but now I'm glad I didn't. You've definitely got the determination and perseverance to master them. I too didn't have much luck with French Meringue but found Italian Meringue much easier. When you make them, make sure that the mixture gets glossy but not too runny. Also, try piping them holding your nozzle directly above the centre of the circle template but don't lift it too high otherwise the mix will ooze out. Stop piping before you finish then cut the mixture off by almost drawing the letter "c". Harder to explain but easy to do. Let me know if you need more advice:)

  4. Hi LM2010!

    This batch was much improved!

    Will remember your piping tips for #7!
