Monday, January 3, 2011

Detox, the soupy way

We have this soup two to three times a week.
 Above: green radish, carrot and white radish are the main ingredients.  I love spring onions so I add as a garnish.
Above: Added the 1st three ingredients to my fish stock that had an onion and the white part of the spring onions.  Bring it to a rapid boil.  (total cooking time - 5 mins)
Above: Transfer to insulating pot to self-cook until dinnertime, usually two hours later. 
 Above: the spring onions which had been chopped and sliced petula
 Above: Remove the inner container from insulating pot, add petula, bring to rapid boil 
Above: Dish out and garnish with a couple of thinly sliced petula and spring onions

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