Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Clay Pot Chicken Rice

Been longing for claypot chicken rice for the longest time.  Finally dug out the single serving claypot I stashed away in the new kitchen cabinet (one of the things not throw out)

1) boil the washed rice of your choice
2) when dimples appear in the boiling rice ..
3) layer sliced mushroom (this takes the longest time to cook), chinese sausage and sliced chicken meat, cover.
4) when rice is almost done (test for level of moisture) layer your choice of vegetables on top
5) Just before removing from fire, crack in an egg, cover
6) ready for tucking in a couple minutes later but only after you pour in your seasoning sauce - a dash of black rice vinegar, a dash of light soy sauce, a dash of sesame oil - mix to coat the ingredients with the seasoning sauce.

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