Thursday, December 12, 2013

FFwD ~ Mme. Maman’s Chopped Liver

I made chicken liver pate a couple or more times before
but not really satisfied with the results.
for Dorie's recipe - I made half using roughly 400gms of liver (before prep):
I chopped my cooked liver in an electric chopper and
it became pate and not merely chopped!
In glass container - I drizzled some oil from my (potato-in-a-jar ~ see below)
and tossed a teaspoon of capers for garnish, served with toasted slices of baguette
and as Dorie did - slater your bread with mayo
add a layer of chopped liver
topped with lettuce and tomato
and we are good to go!
I do believe that the crispy fried onions (I used small shallots)
makes a huge difference! I quite like it!
check out the rest of group's results at:
recipe from page 32 of
I am posting a two-fer
Salmon In A Jar
completed by the members way back in 12 August 2011
served with green salad and dinner rolls
with balsamic vinegar dressing using the oil
from the potato in a jar
DH skipped this and the liver!!
for me?
love the potato-in-a-jar (will make it again)
salmon ? not too sure
but I get to tick this off my to-do-list!


  1. Electric chopper. Good call! I think I got a bit to in-touch w/the livers to truely enjoy this. Well done! :)

  2. I think I would have liked this even more as a pate! But I still enjoyed. I enjoyed the salmon, too :)

  3. Bravo for taking on both of these in the same week!
    The salmon was a tough one for many of us :-)

  4. Yes! A drizzle of oil to finish! Good call!

  5. Wow that sandwich looks incredible :)

  6. Yes, Mardi's right. The sandwich looks amazing. Nice job, Emily!

  7. Emily, you certainly did a wonderful job with both recipes - it all looks fabulously delicious!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. That is one fantastic looking sandwich. Glad you liked this one.
    Both of your dishes turned out beautifully.

  9. Your dish looks delicious! I love the idea of the sandwich. I can see that in my future (today!)

  10. I think I really prefer your "pate" version. Something about the chunkiness of mine did not help the cause :) And that sandwich looks fabulous. Can't believe you also knocked out that unusual salmon in the jar also. Two challenging recipes in one week. Extra credit points for sure :)

  11. Emily, a lot of people seem to make chopped liver just like you - if you Google it chopped liver images come up as a smooth paste. So you are with the majority there! You are braver than me - I skipped salmon in a jar.

  12. Wow. That looks great! Kudos for trying it!

  13. Wow, Emily, I am impressed. First, you did lovely things with your chicken livers, ending up with your Paté. Beautiful presentation. That sandwich looks like a "killer" in every sense of the word!!! And, your make-ups. Good for you!

  14. What a brave post! Two tough recipes in one. I wasn't brave enough to make the liver. I also remember liking the potatoes in a jar better than the salmon.
