I bought carrots and cauliflower just for this week's Autumn Hues with Ina, and I used up both items leaving nothing behind! Very simple recipe you might say... but the secret ingredient(s) ~ one of my own ~ the other being ~ browned butter aka beurre noisette. Totally agree that this made a huge difference. The other being... I added two pieces of fresh turmeric root to carrots and cauliflower!
Ina used a food mill to puree the cooked ingredients, but I made do with the electric chopper. I did see a food mill earlier in the year but it was faulty so the hunt is still on (or do I really need another piece of kitchen equipment?) ~ I shall cross that bridge if and when I lay my eyes on a 'in good working condition' food mill!
BTW, tip on how to clean your small sauce pan after making the brown butter (ie the sticky bits stuck to the bottom of the pan).. put the pan fill with water back on the stove and heat till almost simmering, quickly drain off the hot water and apply arm and elbow energy scrubbing off the dark bits with my trusty loofah sponge! Good as new!

Recipe from pages 168-169
from Ina Garten's 'make it ahead'
I am co-hosting Cookbook Countdown together with Joyce of Kitchen Flavours. If you are like, who love to collect cookbooks and have an overcrowding bookshelf (or bookshelves!), yet most of the books have not been used at all, now is the time to change that. Join us at Cookbook Countdown!
A new flavor combination for me. I have not seen carrot and cauliflower puree before. Sounds good with brown butter.
Oh yum. I hand't thought of blending cauliflower and carrot together before,but I bet they are wonderful with the browned butter. Gorgeous color!
Your adaptation adds flavor and color, like the way mother nature has been doing with the autumn hues everywhere you look.
The color is really appetizing. I have pureed both carrot and cauliflower separately but never thought about combining them. Sounds fantastic!
I like your touch with the added turmeric roots! Never thought of combining carrots and cauliflower for a puree! Thanks for the tips with the cleaning up of the pan!
What a pretty colour. I love both these vegetables but never thought to combine them. It sounds delicious.
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