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Thursday, September 1, 2016

CtBF ~ MPK ~ Spiced meatballs with Sriracha sauce

are cooking from My Paris Kitchen,
David Lebovitz's latest book.
A Big Thank You to KatieBetsy and Mary
for putting everything into order and making it happen!
my collection of David's books:
Spiced meatballs with Sriracha sauce - pgs 74-75
yogurt-tahini sauce - pg 75
mayo - pg 331
I dry pan-fried all the spices and ground them by hand,
marinated the ground beef & pork in the fridge for two days.
I pan fried the meatballs, next time will bake them!
I did a mindless thing with the mayo this time... as I was
reading the list of ingredients... I was adding each item to the bowl!
Nope, no need to throw the mixture away... but since that was the
last egg I had (eggs were popular in my household this week).. left it be in the fridge.
Happily with my second batch of eggs (for ONE week!)... followed David's
instruction on how-to-save-your-separated-homemade-mayo....
wonderbar!!  and after all that hard work - yes - by hand
I preferred the yogurt-tahini dip to the mayo-(lingham) one!
I might just use half the meatballs for meatball&tomato sauce thingy soon!
Hubby said why don't we go out for a satay meal for lunch
on 31 August (being Malaysia's Independence Day), told him that it is impossible
these days to find good satay outlets in the city.
I had a grand idea of making the Malaysian favorite ~ satay! but was
not too keen on the original peanut sauce...
here is my version of Satay ~ chicken and beef kebabs, 
(I drizzled some of the homemade mayo over the kebabs)
very healthy indeed
paired with red cabbage, avocado and cilantro salad.
So glad that I finally made satay sans the original sauce!
 Not reading much in the second half of August 2016
but was cooking through Classic Asian Noodles in July and August, 
for September 2016
Do check out CtBF and see the results of our members
Note: We do not publish recipes at CtBF,
but certain recipe links are available at Amazon,
better still - get the book, and join us at CtBF.


Mardi Michels said...

Oh I LOVE satay!Love all your different variations on both these dishes!

Cheri Savory Spoon said...

Wow Emily, looks like you have quite the collection of cookbooks. Love satay, one of my favorite meals. Have a great week-end!

Nana said...

This week's recipe was a surprise flavor for me and I really liked it.

Betsy said...

These meatballs were so tasty, weren't they? The satay looks great too.

flour.ish.en said...

The side by side comparison of the two sauces to go with the meatballs, that's good to know. Love your version of satay.

Mary Hirsch said...

Happy Malaysia's Independence Day ( a little late). You all seemed to like the yogurt-tahini dip so I will try it next time. And, there will be a next time since I really liked the spicy flavor of these meatballs. Someone also suggested Tzatziki Sauce. Not so sure how the cucumber taste would fit in but might try it. Satay - wish I was sitting at your table when you served that.

Teresa said...

Satay sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate Independence Day! I really like the idea of using the leftover meatballs to make a spicy tomato sauce. I'm roasting some tomatoes right now, so I might just go ahead and do that!

Kathy said...

I love Satay! I think I only made it once, many years ago. Yours looks yummy! I also made both of David’s sauces. I preferred the yogurt-tahini sauce. Loved this recipe!

kitchen flavours said...

Clever idea with the satay! Looks delish!

Unknown said...

Where do you live? I adore your collection of David's books! Satay, how yummy! Good luck with Chinese!

KB from Prof Who Cooks said...

Your satay looks fabulous!!

You and I were on the same page with the meatballs in terms of how we made them, etc. They were pretty good, eh? And that's great you were able to save your mayo.

Unknown said...

I love satay and it is true, your cookbook collection is great! I did not think of mixing pork and beef but would have to try that next time!

Karen @ From Scratch said...

Everything looks so good!

Anonymous said...

Your meatballs look great! I thought they were really good - though I did use lamb, and made the simple Sriracha sauce.

I make satay quite often - maybe more previously than now (all these required recipes!), I like all versions. Malaysian, Thai... I have to say, I love peanut sauce - and while some are better than others, I still like them. Maybe even more for Gado gado.

Looks like you had some wonderful meals! Happy Independence Day!

Unknown said...

I love satay too- yours looks very good. The meatballs look great too, I like how you have them with the sauce on the side.