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Friday, January 20, 2017

The Cake Slice Bakers ~ January's Apple Streusel cake

The Cake Slice bakers has the following cake choices for January 2017:
Lemon Drizzle p.72
Apple Streusel p.138
Vanilla and Blood Orange Cake p.20
Devils Food Cake p. 44
~ * ~
and I choose to make use of the granny smith apples I have on hand!
I barely have enough of almond flakes to meet the required half cup
but it was just nice.  Instead of three individual spices, I used mixed.
(I partially lined the square pan with parchment paper for ease
of removing the cake - I cannot imagine how to get it out of
the pan without dislodging the streusel topping which was crumbly)
and I totally forgot to reduce the sugars for both the cake batter
and the topping... but I survived!
I managed to maintain the oven temperature at 310F
and even for two small pans, they were baked for a 
total of 55 mins (but I think 50 mins would have been okay),
and I did test with a toothpick after the initial 40 mins.
Square cake for own consumption, round to give away!
 Pretty good results, I might add!
The Cake Slice is baking from
"World Class Cakes" by Roger Pizey, for our new season! 

The Cake Slice Badge


Gina said...

Looks really good Emily

Carlee said...

That looks delicious! I love a good apple cake, especially if it has a streusel topping.

Mary said...

I would love to have the recipe for this cake but found no link at all, help, it sounds wonderful :-)

kitchen flavours said...

Lovely cake, Emily! The crumbs looks soft and nice! Would love to try this cake one of these days.

Emily said...

Hi Mary, Please visit the following link on how to join up:

Kathleen said...

It looks so good. I love that you gave part of it away. That's a great way to watch how much you eat.

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

I was tempted to make this one, and after seeing your cake I will have to go back and bake it too as it looks so yummy.