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Monday, February 22, 2016

The Cake Slice Bakers ~ February 2016

For those of you interested in joining the Cake Slice, a group of dedicated bakers,

 please contact Laura

our group administrator, with enquiries."
Introducing our new cakebook 
for year November 2015 to October 2016!
Maida Heatter's Cakes
Up for selection for February 2016:
UpsideDown Pineapple Cake - pgs 217-218
Coffee and Cream Sponge Cake - pgs 133-134
Kansas City Chocolate Dream Cake - pgs 73-74
Poppy Seed Cake - pgs 25-26
And here is my Poppy Seed Cake at half the recipe.
Baked it last night, once cooled sufficiently, into the fridge it went.  
Using my 4"x4"x5" square chiffon cake pan
it came out of the pan easily and it is a tall cake!

Enjoyed it with my breakfast of fruits, and Indian Borage tea
(which is great for cough and sore throat!)
I should have used two pans but resorted to one
fearing that at half the ingredients there will not be enough
batter to fill two, but I think two pans would have worked out fine too,
cos the cake raised double the height of the cake batter!
While I halved all the ingredients, I maintained the 1/4 cup poppy seeds
because that was exactly the amount I had left over!
Using a serrated knife, I cut the cake into two layers
and cut up the cake into two-bite size pieces,
packed up into three containers, one for home,
two to be given away!
 The crumb is dense but not dry and the amount of
poppy seeds great and evenly distributed throughout
the cake, just the way I like it!
                                                                    The Cake Slice


Phillip Oliver said...

This is one that I have not made yet but wanted to. It is on my list!

EmilyC said...

Phillip! Move it up your list to MUST DO IT NOW! Thanks for your visit. Join us!

Gina said...

Perhaps I should give poppy seeds in cake another try. It looks good.

Elle said...

Looks like the perfect cake for breakfast or tea Emily! Amazing how it rose given the crumb. Love that you used lots of poppy seeds. Hope you are feeling tip top by now.

Carlee said...

Yum! I think I may have to consider this for my Easter brunch menu! That looks perfect!

Laura@ Baking in Pyjamas said...

I was tempted to make this one Emily as I've never made a poppy seed cake but the coffee cake won. I may this a go at some point though. It looks delicious and perfect with a cup of tea.

Hello said...

Mmmm, sounds delicious. This cookery book looks very interesting x

Hazel said...

holy moly this looks great! I love the rise on the cake and your square pan Emily! I would love a slice for breakfast, my sweet tooth is aching for something nice today! Hazel x