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Thursday, July 19, 2012

THB # 6 ~ Mocha-Cappuccino Marbled Coffee Cake

baked our #6 cake from
"Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas
and here is my version of this moist and tender cake

DH had two slices in addition to his normal breakfast this morning,
just because his dentist said "only three square meals without teatime and supper!"
Mocha-Cappuccinio Marbled Coffee Cake ~ from "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas
This #6 cake is hosted by
My substitutions were:
I used cake flour instead of APF,
130gm of sugar,
yoghurt instead of sour cream, just becos my new tub of SC had a pink streak in it ;P
increased the coffee to 2 tbspns!
and cocoa powder instead of chocolate.
for the cocoa powder I just add enough to
make the batter dark enough to outshine the coffee batter!
and I baked it for only 35mins in a 350'F gas oven.
All in all, moist and tender results.  DH likes it!


Unknown said...

Lovely pattern Emily! You are right, this cake surely has a very moist texture and amazing flavour.

Unknown said...

Hi Emily, you did a lovely job with the swirls. I don't think its easy to achieve swirls in a bundt pan. Mich@Piece of Cake

MiMi Bakery House said...

We do love this cake too, even my hubby:-p Nice swirls u got, mine seems to be in a mess thou... hahaha...

kitchen flavours said...

Hi Emily, Lovely bake! Glad that your DH enjoys this cake! Nice swirls!

Yummy Bakes said...

beautiful cake ...

Baking Diary said...

That's a very lovely looking cake, I love how your cake unmould so cleanly!

lena said...

that's a nice marble effects in your cake and agree with you, it is moist and tender! you mean your DH has a very sweet tooth that doc advised him not to take too much sweet things?

Kit @ i-lostinausten said...

Wow! Looks great with lovely marble effects! I hope mine will turn out as good as yours coz this will be my first marble cake!

Zoe said...

Hi Emily,

Glad to hear good feedback of your cake. Realised that everyone including Joyce, Lena, Mich and you used yogurt instead of sour cream for baking this cake. I'm kind of disappointed, trying to follow Lou's recipe... I should have use yogurt instead of sour cream... *sign*
